Our Ministries


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… Hebrews 10:24

We believe we will all experience significant growth by getting involved in church ministries beyond the Sunday morning service. It stimulates a deeper spiritual journey and allows individuals to strengthen relationships with fellow attendees in the process.

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Nursery & Pre-K Ministry

Our Nursery & preschool ministry is for newborns through Kindergarten. They will be cared for by our loving volunteers! These classrooms are full of toys and books and we provide coloring pages and simple snacks for older children. We also have a changing table and a kids restroom.

Children’s Church (K-6 Grade)

Children’s Church is designed for our elementary school children where the fun is dynamic, encouraging our kids to roll up their sleeves and get into God’s Word! Our leaders challenge, teach & equip kids ways to live for Jesus in their everyday lives, through The Word of God!!

Men’s Group

Men’s ministry group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:30am to 10:00am in the fellowship hall of the church. Breakfast is served, a word shared, and fellowship. Future men’s ministry will be posted to the church calendar.

Women’s Ministry

Helping connect women in relationship with God and with one another so they might experience spiritual growth, meaningful friendships, and encouragement in the lifelong journey of following God. Whatever stage of life you find yourself in, there are many others walking a similar path as you who have grown through the same challenges and are willing to share the Grace God gave them to endure!

Life Groups

LIFE Groups are a great way to get connected to other people in the church. Form friendships, study the Bible, and support each other in prayer. Life Groups meet at various times of the week in the comfort of people’s homes and run from September through June.

Foundations Course

Foundations is our membership class. If you want to be a member, you must go through this class. However, even if you don’t want to be a member, we hope you’ll take this class. It’ll tell you about who we are and what we believe.


Outreaches We Support

We believe that missions is not just about giving, but praying and going. Our global vision is to Pray For, Partner With, and Provide Finances to those with an international vision to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of our missionaries are serving in sensitive areas that require them not to be featured on our website.

The missionaries and missions organizations we support may be found in the United States and Africa. If you would like to learn more about the missionaries that we support please contact us directly through the website or by phone.

The CMA is a largely evangelism-minded group, which focuses primarily on reaching out to the motorcycle community.

Care Net Centers meet with pregnant women who might be considering alternatives to abortion for their unplanned pregnancies.

David’s KidZ, a faith-based nonprofit, brings hope and help, embodying Jesus’ teachings to overcome poverty with love.